ERP for College Management

ERP is the complete enterprise solution for higher ed institutions viz. colleges & universities looking to automate their Academic and Administrative processes. This comprehensive suite streamlines complete student life cycle from Enquiry to Graduation as well as administrative processes such as Inventory, Hostel, Library, Human Resources etc.. ERP impacts all the functions & departments and removes manual intervention as far as possible, making execution of processes smooth and leading to increased efficiency and greater control on the system. This software is designed keeping in mind the different operations of a college. Our team understands that for any college to function their administrative processes plausibly, should and must opt for an ERP, for the following reasons..

Why do you need ERP..?

Below listed all process are made easy by using ERP.

  Fetching information from paper files and maintaining documents is a difficult task.

  Convience and improper means of exchanging information between various departments.

   Lack of interconnection between departments.

  No quick or easy way to keep the records of students and staff error free and up-to-date.

  Wastage of hundreds of hours by staff each month manually entering information or performing administrative tasks that could be handled automatically such as evaluation and generating results.

  Lack of accuracy in maintaining the financial records such as Fees, Salary and Expenses.

  Difficult to automate fee calucation and find balance of each students.

  Each staff wokring process cant be handled and maintaining salary sheet will be difficult task.

  In every year starting most of the time by administrative is spent for time-table creating and assigning class roooms.

Features of the College ERP system / software

  Fully integrated ERP solutions

  SMS Alerts

  RFID enabled Library module


  Ensures effective support, retrieval and efficacy of data

  Better Control-Standardization of processes and quick access to information lead to better control on system.

  Smooth information flow and accessibility to data / reports enable quick decision making.

  Regular instant alerts on college activities, attendance, timetable, exams, results, fees due and more to students & parents.

  Search based on student name, class, university, registration no., etc.

  Security feature - manage Login and Access.


Pre-Admission process is the most hectic process which can be made easy with ERP. It reduces the hectic job of maintaining physical documentation as the process can be simplified by documents being scanned and attached in the software itself.

  Payment Gateway

  Students admission form.

  Required document attachemnt.

   Pending document reports.

  Allocation of admission to student.

Preparing Merit List

Pre-Admission process is the most hectic process which can be made easy with ERP. It reduces the hectic job of maintaining physical documentation as the process can be simplified by documents being scanned and attached in the software itself.

  Records candidate’s previous educational qualification.

  After all the marks calculated for the students, merit list is prepared on that basis

   This list is customized as per institute

  Elimination of manual working and paperwork.

Student Registrtaion

     Student Registration module handles the registration and admission process for both existing and new students. This module is designed and organized in to ensure smooth working of a college or educational institution.

     This software allows you to manage the admission and registration process of all the students along with storing their family details, previous schooling information, school transfer certificates and birth certificates with their photograph.

Features of Student Registration

     For the smooth working of a school or college, it is very important to create a systematic workflow. If the school is not having a good ERP software solution then there will be a lot of paperwork and manual filing process. That will take a lot of time and administration will require more staff. This may also result in human errors, mistakes, and time-consuming process. In order to overcome these problems, ERP, provides this module to easily handle the data and process. By using this automated admission management system, whole admission process becomes fast, accurate. Also, all the information becomes available with a single click.

Student Admission

     Student admission management software module includes many integrated modules like features like Registration Entry, Admission Entry, Enrollment no. assignment, Roll no. assignment and etc. It allows you to manage the admissions of all the students easily along with student’s basic details, family information, previous institute details.

Features & Advantages :

   The software makes it faster, reduces the time and manpower and creates economic and accurate.

The software makes it faster, reduces the time and manpower and creates economic and accurate

  Student is recognized with unique ID throughout the college / Institution.

  Student photo can be attached instant through webcam or scanned photo.

  Customised challan / Receipt can be generated.

  On acceptance of admission process, automatic transfer of details of the student/staff to school register and school records without any paper work.

  variety of reports can be generated.

Fees Management

     Fees Collection and Management are critical operations for the colleges this helps in managing the operation of fees collection and fee receipt generation easily and quickly. Also its automates the fee receipts entries in the colleges accounts eliminating the need of repeated data entries. Software provides facility to print receipts automizing office work.

Features of Fee management

  Multiple fee plans creation (Different account in college can to handled).

  Fee Collection – Full/Partial on-line or though bank with the carry on facility and discount and advance adjustment.

  The user of ERP can view fees paid, parent’s fees dues etc on a virtual dashboard; thus administration of the entire process stays transparent.

  Facility to collect fine and provide discounts in fees.

  Generate and print receipts of fees along with manual / automated fees receipt no.

  Generate fees due report and find out the net due fees of each student.

  Fees collection report with course /stream wise or student wise data for a specific date range.

Time Table

      Tedious work of Time table generation is now easy and flexible with our ERP. You can effortlessly create time table for different year/semester and sections / Division. Based on the start and end time of your school /colleges you can place duration / Period of each class and system produces the time table slots according to this rules specified.While creating a time table you can allocate teacher/ professor and subject to the selected time slot as per your requirements.Class room allocation is also done during the same have flexibility to create time table division while also.

Features of Time Table

  Period Setting

  Teacher Wise Maximum and Minimum Periods

  Class room alloting to each period

  Time to time re-arrangement


  Avoid conflicts

  In-depth classroom analysis

  Variety and customized Reports


      Integration with time table to generate session (periods) details for attendance.Handles the attendance requirement of institutes and colleges of all sizes. Two types of Attendance are carried out Daily and Monthly Attendacne, based on the college requirement either of one can be used.

Features of Attendance

  Period wise attendance

  Absentees entry

  leave note entry and uploading document

  Variety and customized Attendance reports

  Instant Email/SMS alerts


      The Scholarship Management System is intended to be used by staff and members and its affiliates for the purpose of managing all aspects of the scholarship development and award process and reporting required information.College / Institutes offer scholarships or concessions to deserving students. In most College / Institutes students qualify for scholarship or concession in fees on the following basis:

  Limited financial means of the family

  Exceptional merit performance of student

Student Profile

      Student Profile gives u entire biodate of the student in an institution.Manages life cycle and enables you to take full account of resources available in an software. A user gets a “360 Degree Profile” from where you can generally access all information about the particular student.

Student Profile gives you following information

  Maintain detailed student profile

  Student Schedule

  Test & Standardized Assessment Scores

  Aggregate student information from all other modules

  All course result available on single click

  Shows you details about the payment of indiviual

  Graphical view of Attendance Summary

Internal Assessment

      Test management, process of managing the tests depending on number of test conducted.Test management tools allow automatic generation of the requirement test . Test Management tool often has multifunctional capabilities such as test scheduling, the logging of results, test tracking, and test reporting.

Internal Assessment features are :

  Number of test can be created

  Marks entry of other activities such as seminars,attendance etc can be done

Examination Management

      Examination management software eases the task of examination processes in colleges. This covers almost all the activities related to examination management right from receipt of Enrollment Forms and/or Examination Forms through the processing of Results and Printing of Marks card and Statistical Reports. Examination management module of ERP administers and verifies the following operations:

  Result publishing of all course. Results can be published in three formats: on a marks based system, grade based system and combination of both.

  The module configures number of classes, subjects, language and types of examinations.

  This module integrates student's data from the admission module.

  Number of test can be created

The process is carried in the following ways :


  Exam Notifications

  Entry of Forms / Updated forms

  Exam courses and student registration

  Allotment of rooms & invigilators

  Exam Schedule

Exam Day

  Exam Student Attendance Management

Post Examinations

  Student performance and mark entries

  Result preparation

  Reports for result analysis

  Processing of Results (can be repeated after corrections, if required)

  Generation of Mark sheet


      Accommodate the requirements of administrators, teachers and parents by generating certificates for students and also maintain a record of the generated certificates.

  Process of preparing all types of student certificates.

  With Smart Student Certificates you cane have different process models for different types of certificates different formats.

   With a simple still powerful software module the management can track the time of the preparation the document

  Facility for batch printing of certificates for a particular course is available

  Reduce Certificate Management Costs for pre-printing certificate

  Customized Certificates : Create customized and optimized certificate formats to meet the requirements of the institution. Get Designed your own customized formats as and when needed.

Different Types of Certificate genearted

  Transfer Certificate : Generate a TC with all the relevant details pertaining to the date of admission and date of leaving as per the requirements.

  Bonafide Certificate : Create the bonafide certificate of students easily and without any delay in just one click.

  No Due Certificate : Easily generate the no due certificate for any student or all students by maintaining a record of the date of admission and fee due report of all the students at your tips.

  Study Certificate : Generate a study cartificate with all the relevant details for single student and even for whole course at a time.

Student Welfare

      Keeping track of positive achievements, merit awards, detentions, suspensions and notifications for an individual, course, semester, college and system

  Losing or misplacing hard copies of files

  Identifying issues and analysing behavioural patterns

  The need for accurate analysis for forward planning

  The need for graphical displays to give overviews

Features of Student Welfare Module

  Identify : Student welfare is an integral part of a student's personal development. This module enables easy, accessible and accurate recording of all student incidents and issues.

  Document : In this module, any staff / user can manage reporting and accountability requirements, for parents and at college/ institute or system level, through easy documentation of discipline matters, social factors and merit awards. Staff can then generate interim reports which can be customised to suit your institute individual requirements

  Manage : Access and analyse Welfare data to formulate and implement action plans and review individual or college trends. ERP Welfare empowers a college /institute executive to react quickly to welfare concerns and produce form letters on demand.

  Determine : Executives can determine your college progress and highlight specific areas by using the module to extract data . This data can be used to provide overall views of academic and social performance over a period of time.

  Determine : Executives can determine your college progress and highlight specific areas by using the module to extract data . This data can be used to provide overall views of academic and social performance over a period of time.

  Respond : Executives can prepare or implement strategic plans to be formulated using current and historical information. The data from the module allows collge to be more proactive in their responses to areas of concern by implementing Risk Management Plans.

Hostel Management

     The objective of this module is to capture information with respect to various parameters that are required during setting up of Hostel modules and process the capture data to churn out required results. Helps you to monitors and records a variety of information covering Hostel Attendance, Disciplinary Logs, as well as Room charge Status.

      Hostel software module includes many features like fee collection, room allotment, room management as categorization of rooms, daily attendance register of hostel and hostel reports.

      Hostel management system module includes many reports like room allotment register, room left report, charge due reports and receipts, room transfer register and room status report.

  Hostel room Detail head provides the capacity of the rooms hostel wise.

  The Allotment head gives the details of the room and the student to which the room is allotted.

  Maintain details about hostels, floors, rooms, room type, bed number, warden, manager.

  Manage bed reservation.

  Store and retrieve student information that avail hostel facility.

  Generate Customized Reports for further reference.

Placement Management

     Using the fully automated solution to manage and track campus placement management process including student data, job postings, scheduling.

  Manage placement data : Verify and manage all your captured data and reports related to students and employers which can be accessed by administrators with a single click in a safe and secure environment.

  Student profiles : Store and maintain complete database of student profiles including demographic information, assignments, and placement schedules attended which can be viewed by recruiters.

  Real-time job status tracking : Track the job application process at each and every stage of placement, and students can track the allotment status in real time and get job offers during campus placement.

  Notifications : Stay up to date with the automated notifications, alerts and reminders related to placements sent to the recruiters and students via email, SMS .



  Accelerate placement operations for fresher jobs.

  Better visibility among recruiters.

  Improve student placement & retention.

  Generate reports for accreditation.

  Achieve the best placement records.


  Best possible career opportunities.

  Search for jobs that match their interests.

  Identify companies that match their expectations.

  Enhance global employability.

Staff Establishment

     software designed to automate staff's various operations which allows you to manage all the details of the staff like personal details, educational details, login details, salary structure and leaves granted. Facility to freeze/unfreeze staff members incase they are presently working / retired. You can also change the salary or leave details of a particular staff.

  Easy to feed data, import facility provided.

  The software makes it faster, reduces the time and manpower and creates economic and accurate.

  All staffs’ particular salary details and leaves details can be managed easily and quickly.

Features of Staff Establishment

  Fully customizable and scalable.

  Tracks up-to-date work status

  Organization members can access personal information, Leave status, Attendance, Training, Timetable etc.

  Manage staff pay slips.

  Maintaining Employee salary details.

  Includes Staff's performance with previous years and the current year.

  Feedback record for all staff by the indiviual student.


     Payroll is technology that aims to streamline and automate the process of paying a company's employees. The system requires little input from you, usually just wage details and work hours. Wage calculations, tax withholding, deductions and other backend processes are managed by the system.

Why use a payroll software?

  Save time, avoid errors - Payroll processes are time-consuming and error-prone when manually done.

  Pay employees correctly - Paycheck mistakes not only waste your time, they build distrust and can harm employee morale. Even when mistakes are honest, they damage your reputation and, worse, can fuel demoralizing rumors.

  Pay taxes correctly - Disputes are settled quickly and clearly with drill-down access to timesheet, benefits, agreements and other related data.

  Quick access to employee data - Payroll automation centralizes employment data, such as, contracts, CBAs, performance records, leaves, timesheets and conversations.

  Customize reports - Whether payroll is attached to HR or accounting, payroll automation can customize reports based on rows & columns, fields and other rules.

What does a payroll management software do?

  Payroll management

  Leaves management

  Expense management

  Benefits, bonus management.

  Income tax & deductions

  Time and attendance tracking

  Reports, payslips, forms


Stock Management

     Institute manage our inventory and store for all construction works like Administrative block, academic block, library, labs, hostels, and other Building construction/maintenance works. keep you on top of all aspects of material management by ensuring that there is round the clock availability of sufficient stock.

  Maintain a complete control overall the items (Capital and Consumable).

  Create and maintain list of categorized products and items with serial number along with vendor details.

  Enquiries, offers and comparison.


  Items feeding system (raw material, finished goods)

  Items minimum and maximum level for requisition and stock keeping.

  Various Departments entry

  Various Store entry

  Stock Transfer System – receipt & Issue of stock (to various department, jobs for various contractors)


  Prepare Stock Register (Item wise, Group wise, Month wise, Date wise)

  Re-order item list (by minimum re-order level)

  Daily Stock Position Report

  Stock Summary report (department wise, job wise, group wise, items wise, month and date wise)

  Stock Transfer System – receipt & Issue of stock (to various department, jobs for various contractors)

Inward Outward

     This will facilitate File Tracking System and helps to manage the file or registers movement from one department to another department. This shall help any organization to manage the flow of records and inventory effectively and efficiently. Offers online tracking and fast location information and pendency monitoring effectively by providing, online, a plethora of information at a glance.

Features of Inward Outward

  Easy to use: User friendly and interactive product which can be used by any level of organization and provides no complex features to deal with.

  Customizable: We can customize for your particular need of tracking and monitoring of particular file system.

  Reduces cost and simplifies needs of IT infrastructure: It reduces the cost by simplifying your operational cost and need of additional infrastructure to run the software.

  You can manage your received and sent application in a well organized computerized structure.

  You can analyze your organization’s performance on a single mouse click.

  It will help you to make follow-ups of your sent application.

Manage User



     Bulk SMS Management application is a powerful tool for bulk SMS marketing which is one of the most useful strategies for generating leads for your college.

Features of S M S

  send bluk / single SMS

  Send SMSs to multiple Students / staff

  Send instant SMS to an individual customer

  Messages like promotions, reminders, alerts and special notice can be delivered quickly

  Fully customizable and scalable

  Applications are web-based and accessible anytime and anywhere in the world

Uses of S M S module

  Helping Colleges /Institute administrators to distribute personalized information in a timely fashion

  Most efficient way to get information distributed on a 24×7 basis.

  Make communication with parents quick, easy and hassle free

  Saving your precious time and effort and cuts down the cost

  Facility to integrate / to work independently

Alumni Management

     Alumni management software module includes many features like online alumni registration, online chatting and discussion forum and notice board.

Features of Alumni Management

  Alumni Registration :Alumni and faculty can sign up for registration with the instittute. Administrator can approve registration and allow alumni to interact and associate with their institution for years to come.

  Alumni Profiles : Registered alumni can create and update profiles to display information including biographical data with photos, personal information, email address and contact details.

  Alumni & Faculty directory : Build a strong and interactive alumni community by creating a directory of member students, faculty and staff with the options for customizable search and preferences.


  Grow alumni community

  Enhance interactions and share experiences with alumni members for long-term retention.

  Retain your alumni and generate more funds through donations.

  Keep all your alumni records updated and inform about all the events and activities related to the institution.

  Facility to integrate / to work independently