ERP for College Management
ERP is the complete enterprise solution for higher ed institutions viz. colleges & universities looking to automate their Academic and Administrative processes. This comprehensive suite streamlines complete student life cycle from Enquiry to Graduation as well as administrative processes such as Inventory, Hostel, Library, Human Resources etc..
ERP impacts all the functions & departments and removes manual intervention as far as possible, making execution of processes smooth and leading to increased efficiency and greater control on the system.
This software is designed keeping in mind the different operations of a college. Our team understands that for any college to function their administrative processes plausibly, should and must opt for an ERP, for the following reasons..
Why do you need ERP..?
Below listed all process are made easy by using ERP.
Fetching information from paper files and maintaining documents is a difficult task.
Convience and improper means of exchanging information between various departments.
Lack of interconnection between departments.
No quick or easy way to keep the records of students and staff error free and up-to-date.
Wastage of hundreds of hours by staff each month manually entering information or performing administrative tasks that could be handled automatically such as evaluation and generating results.
Lack of accuracy in maintaining the financial records such as Fees, Salary and Expenses.
Difficult to automate fee calucation and find balance of each students.
Each staff wokring process cant be handled and maintaining salary sheet will be difficult task.
In every year starting most of the time by administrative is spent for time-table creating and assigning class roooms.
Features of the College ERP system / software
Fully integrated ERP solutions
SMS Alerts
RFID enabled Library module
Ensures effective support, retrieval and efficacy of data
Better Control-Standardization of processes and quick access to information lead to better control on system.
Smooth information flow and accessibility to data / reports enable quick decision making.
Regular instant alerts on college activities, attendance, timetable, exams, results, fees due and more to students & parents.
Search based on student name, class, university, registration no., etc.
Security feature - manage Login and Access.